Tabbed this one because I follow ORAL_records on Bandcamp (Montreal represent) and this sounded pretty cool: "all sounds were captured live at time of the concert thru an app for iPhone developed by the artist. This app connects twelve iPhones with Rode microphones disseminated in the city to the concert hall. All raw feeds are manipulated live by Felix-Antoine". The city in question is Valparaiso, Chile, and Morin does a real credible job during the din of evening streetlife (or what I imagine to be) into an impressive, churning roar. The sad thing is this piece is just 20 minutes long, but the "1" in the title gives hope that there's more to come (or more live manipulations to come). Note that the label has this released as "Coexistensive" but Morin's personal site seems to call it "Coextensive" so that's what I figure is the real title. This slots right in nicely with that Quebec/Alien8 noise scene - for fans of Daniel Menche, Francisco Lopez, Aube, Kevin Drumm...
Nachtmystium/Leviathan - In the Valley of Death, Where Black Metal is King: An Homage to the Roots (Ascension Monuments Media, 2018)
What the fuck is that title. Okay I get the first part is a Judas Iscariot tribute, but did we really need "an homage to the roots" in there? Hey wouldn't it be funny if these were actually covers of the band The Roots? Anyway. This album was supposed to come out 10 years ago, but it was blocked by the bands' respective labels. Now I guess they've figured out a way, or Blake Judd needs money for drugs so he's figured out a way, to put this out. The Bandcamp version has 8 tracks, 5 from Nachtmystium and 3 from Leviathan, but I've seen a 10-track tracklisting elsewhere. On the version I have, we have Nachtmystium covering Judas Iscariot, Ildjarn (twice), Von and Burzum. Leviathan tackles Ildjarn (twice) and Von once. I seem to be missing Leviathan's Judas Iscariot cover ("Where the Winter Beats Incessant") and one of Nachtmystium's Von covers ("Von"). Weird. Wonder if there were some licensing issues or something. All four Ildjar...
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