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Fire! - The Hands (Rune Grammofon, 2018)

I only keep up with Mats Gustafsson's discography intermittently, mostly when he collaborates with someone I like, which happens pretty much once a year anyway. Never listened to his band Fire! but this is apparently their sixth release? "Darkjazz" is not a genre, more of a descriptor, and if it had a home and a sound it would maybe be Rune Grammofon and Supersilent, so this slots in decently, doesn't even really sound like jazz so much. It's slow and drone-y and has lots in common with Sleep or Black Sabbath or the Melvins even. But also with traces of some of Gustafsson's other bands like The Thing and Two Bands and a Legend. Overall it's pretty cool, definitely different than what I expected, not a home run but a pretty cool record nonetheless.


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